Thursday, October 30, 2008

Simplify your life

It is also important to remember that your actions always create reactions. This is a simple law of cause and effect. Once you take personal responsibility for creating your life, you must be constantly watchful that you don't create what you don't want through actions that will have negative repercussions. As you become more aware of your own thoughts, and watch yourself talking and moving in the world, you will see a connection between what you sow and what you reap. Kind people seem to live in a friendly world, and angry people seem to live in a hostile world.

Simplify your life. Why burden yourself with the stress that accompanies hugh mortgage payments you can't really afford emotionally, revolving charge plans, and expenses resulting from costly playthings? As we grow in consciousness, material possessions become less and less important. Simplification of lifestyle, just like simplification of diet, produces optimal health. Examine your life and see how you can simplify it.

You can use love, joy, nurturing friends, laughter and happiness as measures of your own successes. Don't use money as a measure of your success. Many people allow the quality of their lives to deteriorate because their financial propserity has misled them into believing that they were winning, when they were actually losing. Should a person consider himself a success, if he has earned several million dollars, but his diet, personality and lifestyles have resulted in his having ulcers, hypertension, cardiac deficiencies and miserable relationships?

Because Westerners have been intensely conditioned to equate monetary gain with success, we have compromised our entire culture by polluting the environment and destroying the minds and morale of countless millions. So long as the economy prospers, our governments tell us there is cause for celebration. Nonsense! Through simplification of lifestyle and a reordering of your priorities, you can create heaven on Earth every day. Once you realise ho wlittle money is really needed to survive, you can spend more time dancing, running through the forest, hugging your children, and enjoying hobbies, sports and pastimes. Don't confuse quantity with quality.

Train yourself to be consistently optimistic and positive in your thinking.Even when diet and exercise are deficient, right thinking can maintain perfect health. A positive mental attitude can keep you looking young and radiant when others your age are old and wrinkled. There are no limits to this power.

Above all else, rely on positive thinking as your vehicle for attaining your goals - nothing is strong enough to resist you when you keep your mind focused on love, happiness and joy. Instead of lamenting that roses have thorns, why not rejoice that thorns have magnificent flowers adorning them? Replace your doubt with positivity and you will notice immediate changes in your experience of living. Research has clearly shown that our entire body chemistry can be changed by changing our thoughts.

~ Let it be easy (pp. 120-2) by Tolly Burkan

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