Friday, October 17, 2008

Anger and Anxiety

Everyone of us feels anger at times, but it is an emotion to be wary of. Anger shrinks us and contaminates us, keeping us poor and fearful. It kills love and keeps us distant from other people.

Anger is a signal we must listen to. When you are angry, it is a sign that something needs to change. Listen to it and make the change, but do not simply stay angry. Those who are angry for much of the time are blocking their own paths to spiritual development. You cannot transform fear into security while you are angry. So when anger rises in you, do nothing to feed it. Choose instead to dissolve it with loving kindness.

If you are around another person who is constantly angry, then protext yourselves by moving away from them, at the same time sending them energy of love and forgiveness.

You cannot fight anger with force. Loving patience is far more effective. Impatience, which leads to anger, breeds anxiety, fear, discouragement and failure. Patience creates confidence, decisiveness and a generous attitude, which leads to success.

~ The Tibetan Art of Serenity (pp. 61-2) by Christopher Hansard

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