When you cultivate the ability to focus your attention one hundred percent, you will become your own best teacher. You will be able to learn from situations you never even noticed before. so many problems are juts byproducts of not paying attention. Children spill milk as a result of not paying attention. Someone fall down a flight of stairs because they are not paying attention. Litter, war, pollution and prejudice are all a result of not paying attention. In fact, when you are behind the wheel of a car, paying attention can literally save your life.
Paying attention to your thoughts will reveal how you yourself create most of your problems. Paying attention to your habits, actions and relationships will give you insights that will add to your personal power and effectiveness in the world. For example, make a conscious decision to pay attention to a certain habit you'd like to control. Start with small things, something easy.
As you begin to pay attention, you'll notice more and more every time those unconscious interjections occur in your speech. Don't judge yourself or even try to change the habit. Just continue to pay attention.
Before long, the habit will have corrected itself as if by magic. You will not have to make any conscious effort to do anything at all to bring about the results you desire. All you do is to begin to pay attention in a new way, and your life suddenly improves.
Attentive awareness enables us to cope with life' seemingly contradictory and paradoxical nature. It enables us to be aware of our egos and see them clearly. It permits us to step back from the melodrama of our lives and watch it all unfold as if on a movie screen. It creates the needed detachment to laugh at our own foibles and shortcomings.
~ Let it be easy: Simple actions to create an extraordinary life (pp. 100-2) by Tolly Burkan
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