Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Watch Your Thoughts

The thought manifests as the word;
The word manifests as the deed;
The deed develops into habit;
And habit hardens into character.
So watch the thought and its ways with care,
And let it spring from love
Born out of concern for all beings.
~ The Buddha

"Some time ago, i worked with a man who had convinced himself at a very early age that the world was all about power and control. He was very good at what he did, but it was all very coldly calculated. Watching him operate, I saw him becoming more and more a caricature of his own most cynical projections.

"I remember one Christmas when a number of people he worked with received selections of expensive wine from him. It was the kind of gesture that from anyone else would have been received with pleasure. Instead, the office joke for weeks revolved around what he wanted from us that would have necessitated such an extravagant present. Some people theorized that he was tryin gto purchase status as a decent human being. Others were certain that it was meant to put us off guard. I wanted to believe that perhaps it had been a genuine gesture of goodwill, but as much as I wanted to believe it, I still couldn't feel it was true.

"I saw him a few months ago, and all the old feelings resurfaced - the difficulty of working around him, the need to always be on guard. But this time it was overshadowed by a deep sadness over what his own convictions had done to him. He couldn't even give a gift from his heart (if indeed it was) without arousing suspicions!"

We must always be careful about our thoughts, because the things we think, our views and opinions about life, about other people, and about love, will seep into our own lives until we are living them. When we see the world as a mean and cruel place, for us it will become mean and cruel. When we think instead about the happiness and joy that surrounds us, we bring them forth like a gentle shower of fall leaves.

Today, pay attention to the messages you send yourself about the nature of the world. What can you observe about your attitudes?

Keep The Faithz! XD

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