Sunday, November 29, 2009

What Kindness Creates

Kindness in words create confidence; kindness in thinking create profoundness; kindness in feeling creates love. ~ Lao Tzu

Lao Tze's words remind us of the effects of kindness. When we speak kindly, we recall that this is who we truly are, a person of gentleness and warmth. In a world that is spinning so quickly, it is easy to lose track of the truth of our essence, to spin off into the distance until we no longer know who we are. Speaking words of kindness keeps us firmly in possession of our truth and gives us the confidence to go forward in the fullness of our authentic selves.

When we think kind thoughts, we open the channel that connects our minds to our hearts. Gifted with such a marvelous tool as our intellect, we can easily become seduced by our own cleverness and become cut off from the depths of our heart. Thinking kind thoughts brings us back to our heart, where our deepest and most profound treasures are kept.

When we feel kindness, it connects us to our love for others. Our very nature as separate individuals makes it easy to forget how deeply and intricately we are all connected. Then we begin to feel isolated, as though we are completely alone in a world full of strangers. When we feel kindness, we are immediately connected to our love for those around us, because kindness is the medium of that love. We are thus reminded that we are not alone, but rather, no matter our circumstances, are nestled in the bosom of a loving family.

Observe your kind words, thoughts, and feelings as you go about your day and notice what effect they have on you.

*+* GoodHeartz*+*
Keep The Faithz! XD

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